Dimepiece beanie|Obey muscle tank c/o Lulu's|jeans borrowed from my brother|heels c/o Lulu's (similar here)

My first day in New York and it was absolutely wonderful. Mainly looked like an asian tourist with a huge camera around my neck and my parents wanting to take a picture in front of every wall possible, as if brick walls in New York were any different from brick walls in LA. I'll be uploading an East Coast photo diary of my overall trip, or simply a daily photo diary if I manage to stop sometwhere with Wifi, mainly the trusty Starbucks, which, fortunately, seems to be planted at every corner in New York. Heading off to a few other east coast states before coming back to New York- travel alongside me and keep up with my daily outfits on this here blog as well as my Instagram! @styleologie


Gita Regina said...

kyaaa, how cutee
I love you beannie :3
anyway, how are you dear, kinda miss you so much :(
come and see my blog if you have time :D


Michalina Wydmuch said...

soooo coool!xxx

Cassandra Too said...

Love this boyfriend look! I love the heels you are wearing! :D

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with love, Cassandra xx